Our red kettle overflowed with more than $1,248 in contributions from citizens, city employees, firefighters, staff and the firefighters’ union, IAFF Local 2210. Our thanks go out to each and every person who contributed.
The mayor laid down the gauntlet early by circulating flyers depicting Hillsboro Fire Chief Greg Nelson and Police Chief Carey Sullivan as his two
elf helpers. Not to be outdone, firefighters from Truck-3 elevated the Mayor’s collection kettle….about 10-feet in the air! (It was lowered to its normal position by competition time).
Here are our celebrity totals (actually, paper money only because no one wanted to count the coins):
Hillsboro Fire & Rescue Chief Greg Nelson $1,248
Hillsboro Police Chief Carey Sullivan $632
Hillsboro Mayor Jerry Willey $271
When the Salvation Army counted all the coins, the one hour effort totaled $2,277.75. A great effort to help needy people in the Portland! Thanks for everyone’s help!